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Monday, May 30, 2016

Post #7: Convicted in Proverbs (Sermon Notes!)

Hey y'all! After a super exciting and action-packed Memorial Day weekend, I figured I'd share some sermon notes with y'all!
Two weeks ago, we did a pretty enlightening sermon on the book of Proverbs.

Direction is the main theme of Proverbs 14.
As we are told in Jeremiah 18:1-6, we are God's divine creation. 
Not only were we created by Him at the moment of our conception, but we continue to be molded by Christ in our daily actions.
Now, the direction that God wants for us is how He molds us.
He allows us to experience things in His perfect timing (whether good or bad) in order to shape us into the people He'd like us to become and to follow in the direction we were created to follow.
However, by nature we are directionless beings. And that's where Proverbs 14 comes in.
Our sense of direction for our lives is faltered by our wordly desires. Whether those desires be related to relationships, money, or power, those desires get in the way of having a perfect sense of direction.
Many times we think we have a better sense of direction than God, which couldn't be farther from the truth. 

"There is a path before each person that seems right, but it ends in death." (Proverbs 14:12)

Since God knows all and doesn't see things from the impure, skewed perception we see things from, in reality, His direction is the most reliable.
How do we find God's direction for us? By living as He commands us to live.  

As many of us know, however, His way is more often than not the more difficult way to live. At times, it may inconvenience us or force us to do things in a way that we did not originally intend to do them. 
But following His way is the only way we will find the true meaning of our lives and be given the most accurate sense of direction. 
Following God was never intended to be easy, but it was intended to give us rules and guidelines in order to live the most spiritually fufilling lives as servants of Christ.
Living by our own terms may be pleasureable in the short term, however, in the long term, we will suffer immensely, since God will punish us for our wrongdoings. (aka, we will suffer consequences for our sinful actions.)
God's way will only deliver us prosperity and positivity, whereas if we were to follow our own ways, we would eventually suffer the consequences of living against God's commands.

"The house of the wicked will be destroyed, but the tent of the Godly will flourish" (Proverbs 14:11)

This week, I wasn't able to take any new outfit pictures besides a couple I took at a graduation party held by my church. (I promise, next week's will be better (: )
I normally don't wear all white ensembles since they're not easy to keep clean, but I found one I really loved and decided to wear it!

I paired a breezy, white linen skirt with  matching wedges and cardigan and a deep teal tank underneath. It made me feel like summer was finally starting!

                     Class of 2016!

Cardigan: ThredUp, $7-$8
White skirt: Goodwill, $4.50
Tank top: Ann Taylor, gift
Wedges: Payless, $19

How was yall's sermon last week? Did any of you graduate high schoolthis year?? 

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