About me!

About Me

Hey y'all! Allow me to introduce myself.
My name is Tiffany Harbidge, and I'm a 20-year-old Independent Baptist out of Bible Baptist Church from Florida with a love for Jesus.
I was saved when I was 16, and I am so happy that I made the decision to follow Christ, and "be in the world, but not of it."
I'm a quiet, textbook-introvert that loves to read, write, sew, embroider, and knit. I'm an obsessive Pinner, (@tiffanyharbidge is my Pinterest account) I'm an only child, and a lover of piano hymns.
I recently got accepted into Flagler College for the Fall 2016 term as an Education Major. Flagler is a small, private, liberal arts school in the heart of St Augustine, Florida, and I can't wait to move there.  I plan to major in Education and minor in religious studies so I can one day teach in a private Christian school as I've always wanted to :)
Even though I was raised in a huge city, I do not enjoy city life at all. I find myself unable to find somewhere where I truly fit in, considering all the hustle and the lifestyle that surrounds living in the city. Whenever I travel to smaller towns, I feel more at "home", and feel like I get along with the people far better than I do here. I would really love to live in the countryside with a family someday, so that I can take life a day at a time as opposed to being up to my eyeballs in the daily stresses of city life.
My faith in the Lord has been an interesting one, with many ups and downs, and I'm sure many of you can relate. There have been times where I feel as if I'm overwhelmed by God's love and Grace, and other times, my faith feels rather stale. However, the beautiful thing about Christianity is that we are called to follow God, even if we don't always "feel" our faith.
I hope that by blogging my journey with Christ, more specifically, modesty, I can encourage women around me to embrace femininity by sharing tips, tricks, sermons, DIYs, funny stories, and everything in between. We as sisters in Christ are all in this together, so we should work together to keep each other in line and grow in faith as well.

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